Thursday, May 03, 2007

Common Sense Detox - The Master Cleanse

Popping up in the news headlines is the master cleanse, not a detox I've tried but, well, maybe not surprised at this statement from the establishment.

From CNN:
"They say those who try the Master Cleanse to lose weight will just gain it back. And they dispute the claim that the Master Cleanse or any other diet can "detoxify" the body from the effects of red meat, sugar, fried foods or alcohol -- or that the body needs to be detoxified at all."

Anyone not seen a town called allopath?

"Dr. Ed Zimney, the medical director of HealthTalk, a Seattle, Washington-based Web site where a lively debate about the cleanse has flourished, said: 'Your gastrointestinal tract does not need to be cleaned out because it is constantly in motion. This whole idea of cleaning out toxins from the colon is a complete myth and unnecessary.'"

Cleansing your inards isnt a good idea then?

Common Sense?
If you do a detox and you feel better, sleep better, have healthier skin, whiter eyes, more energy its not just in your head, its in your body as well.

1 comment:

The Detox Team said...

but, maybe just to point out a good cleansing and detoxing is about the removal of elements from your diet that add to the problem, processed foods, high fat, sugar etc. While the other side of the coin is adding nutrient rich foods so your body can absorb what it needs, salad, raw foods, organic etc